Dr. Sridhara Mishra
teaches Curriculum and Pedagogy in ECCE
Dr. Sridhara Mishra started her career in the Non Governmental sector in the year 1996. Ever since, she has had a myriad of experiences and worked on various areas like gender equality, health, economic sustainability and education.
Her doctorate in Sociology helped her develop a critical perspective towards each of the developmental areas.
Education at various levels- pre-school, elementary, college, teacher training, in service teacher training- has been one of her key areas of interest. Her experience in running a multilingual pre-school opened up different avenues towards alternative education.
She brings in her experience, expertise, dedication and compassion towards education to the table while taking her sessions at the Academy.
Her strong belief in disseminating knowledge has helped in nurturing the STTA learners in a holistic manner. This helps the future teachers conduct a fun-filled learning environment in the classroom.
Ms. Rohini Shah
teaches Organisation Management and Health and Nutrition
Ms Rohini Shah is an engineer by training, and a teacher by choice. She is part of a leading school heading the EFK (Engineering for Kids) Team. Her work reflects in the love the children have for her subject, emanating extensive experiential learning.
Who better than her, to help our learners understand the essence of Organisation and Record Management in Early Childhood Education?
She brings in her experience and knowledge of her professional experience at CapGemini in Singapore and US with a flavor of liveliness, fun and frolic and helps the learner carry it forward into their own classrooms.
With her science background, love and knowledge of various cuisines, she provides the right opportunity for our learners to understand the essence of health and nutrition.
Ms. Laxmi Nayak
teaches the Montessori Way of Teaching
Ms. Laxmi Nayak can be credited with a decade of experience with the pre-school children at Global Montessori Plus (earlier GIIS).
She is a Montessori trained teacher and helps the learners at STTA understand the nuances of Montessori method of teaching and learning.
Her understanding of Montessori way of teaching is immense and with utmost care and passion she passes it on to the learners.
Ms. Trupti Vettukad
teaches History of Early Childhood Care and Education
Ms. Trupti Vetukkad, with an experience of a decade in the pre-school sector is the Coordinator of Global Montessori Plus.
She has many feathers to her cap- trained in ECCE, B.ED, MA in English, ISO Certified Jolly Phonics Trainer and a Trainer in Action Phonics.
Her passion and determination towards holistically nurturing young minds has been the key motivating factor.
She shares her professional experience with the learners at STTA, with her flavor of action and orientation, and prepares them for the professional world.
Ms. Nida Shaikh
Teaches Principles of Child Development
Ms. Nida is trained in Clinical Psychology (MA) and Applied Mahayana and Buddhist Psychology and Ethics (PG Diploma).
She has 5 years of experience in dealing with cases with mild to severe psychological problems.
Her passion towards training and capacitating extends to conducting workshops on teaching and parenting skills along with stress management for adults.
She very smoothly blends her academic training and professional work experience to conduct her sessions on Child Psychology with mothers (young and old, and to-be) at STTA.
Her understanding of human psychology helps the learners understand children; it also helps them decode human psychology to lead a stress free life.